Election Day Excitement November 8, 2024
Throughout 2024, IAHD has taken an active role in sharing information and resources to help others register and be able to vote in these November elections. Within our own community, we had many of the individuals we support register to vote; on Election Day itself, we had a handful of those newly registered voters head to the polls to vote for the first time!

Pictured above, Tommy, Reggie, and Jodi are going through the process of filling out and casting their ballots.

With their “I Voted” sticker on, these new voters of the IAHD community were thrilled to have been able to participate in this significant civic process. We aim for more and more individuals within the IAHD community to continue to register and vote on issues/candidates they align with. Congratulations to Timmy, Reggie, and Jodie for voting for the first time, as well as everyone else who registered to vote via IAHD!
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