IAHD’s Board of Directors Gains a New Member January 5, 2024

Congratulations to IAHD Self-Advocate and IAHD Champion Jodi for being selected as the new liaison for the Board of Directors here at IAHD! The application process was not simple; she had to express interest in the role, submit her resume, and go through a round of interviews to prove her dedication to IAHD and being the liaison.

Thank you to all who helped Jodi throughout this process: Coordinator of Person Centered Initiatives, Kayla Turner, for helping prepare Jodi’s resume; Chief People Officer, Hope Eder, for conducting mock interviews with Jodi; and DeVito house manager Amanda Cherry for attending these meetings alongside Jodi!

IAHD Board President, Matt Kiamie, with newest IAHD Board member, Jodi Peterson

We once again want to congratulate Jodi for her hard work and upcoming success as Board liaison. We would also like to extend our gratitude to John C., the Board’s previous liaison for setting the precedent Jodi and all those who may follow in her path!

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