Cooking Up Fun at IAHD March 12, 2024
In early 2024, a culinary program was introduced to the St. Mary’s and Tarrytown day habilitation locations. A few months in, this program has become a favorite among participants! Over the past few months, St. Mary’s and Tarrytown have made things like fish tacos, macaroni salad, lettuce wraps, and cornbread casserole!
🛒Weekly trips to the supermarket are the essential first steps in creating a culinary masterpiece. The people we support not only get to learn how to choose the best items for their dish, but also get to see what exactly is going into the food they eat.
🥣Our individuals transform into budding chefs right before our very eyes as they learn the steps of the recipe they are making that week! If they choose to, they can even get involved in the hands-on preparation of their meal.
🍽️Sampling the food they took part in making has left the people we support to have very happy stomachs!
Bon appétit!
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