
illustration of people wearing face mask
February 9 @ 10:18 am

Visitation Resumes at Residential Facilities

As most of you already know, Governor Cuomo has announced that visitation may resume at OPWDD certified homes and residential facilities. The guidance that providers and visitors must follow has been posted to the OPWDD website and we have provided them below. As outlined in the guidance, we will be…

multi hands embrace
February 9 @ 10:18 am

During these troubled times

Our country is going through one of the most difficult times in our history. As we approach the tail end of battling a pandemic which has killed more than 100,000 Americans, we come face to face with the harsh realities of racial and social inequalities plaguing our law enforcement and…

person jumping across revine
February 9 @ 10:18 am

Looking toward the Future

As we begin to look toward the future in our country, state and in our own personal lives, IAHD has begun to prepare for the re-opening of programs and offices.  One thing is for sure; We will never go back to “business as usual.” We have lost people we support,…

Color photo of tree in bloom over empty branches
February 9 @ 10:18 am

Our New Normal

It’s been 92 days since the first person tested positive for COVID-19 in the U.S. and 51 days since the first positive in NY. It seems like an eternity when we could freely walk about in the community with no restrictions on doing the things in life that brought us…

Overcase sky transforms into sunny day
February 9 @ 10:18 am

An Update from IAHD’s CEO

We are settling into a new normal at IAHD. People are getting used to new routines. Unfamiliar faces are becoming new friends, talks of isolation and quarantine sites have become a part of our new world. Life is somewhat solemn as we reflect on the lives of people who have…

NY Gov. Cuomo giving thanks to Direct Service Workers
February 9 @ 10:18 am

A Message from IAHD’s CEO:

We are grateful to Governor Cuomo for acknowledging and thanking Direct Support Professionals. We owe them a debt of gratitude for their commitment every day. They are not only contending with people who are ill, they have to work those people who do not understand the concept of social distancing…

Medical Professional holding stethascope
February 9 @ 10:18 am

IAHD’s Latest Update to CoronaVirus COVID-19

April 5, 2020 We continue to stay vigilant in these next few weeks as we hear news everyday about the impending apex of the Coronavirus. The peak that Governor Cuomo references during his daily briefings can send chills down your spine in anticipation of what may come; like a scene in…

February 9 @ 10:18 am

IAHD’s Update to CoronaVirus COVID-19

March 30, 2020 These past few weeks have been tumultuous, to say the least. The CoronaVirus outbreak has changed life as we all know it and it’s certainly changed the way we do business at IAHD. Like the rest of the world, we have individuals we support and staff who…

Chemistry lab equipment, periodic table and compound elements
February 9 @ 10:18 am

IAHD’s response to COVID-19

March 23, 2020: While we are responding to Executive Orders from the Governor and OPWDD guidance, IAHD’s highest priority continues to be the health and safety of individuals, families and staff as well as the community at large. We continue to be in touch with OPWDD, the NYC and State…

Washing hands with soap and water.
February 9 @ 10:18 am

Coronavirus Update

IAHD remains committed to providing you with up-to-date  information as promptly as possible. The health and safety of ALL members of our community is a priority. Our Senior Leadership team is working 24/7 reporting and acting on all issues pertaining to this crisis. We are regularly reviewing our response plans…
