
February 9 @ 10:31 am

Dynamic Arts Featured in the Bronx Times

IAHD and our Dynamic Arts Gallery received a brief feature in the Bronx Times newspaper. They spotlighted the Mr. Ghosty Show that featured art from IAHD’s very own Creative Arts Coordinator, Johnny Mattei, and was curated by our Art Specialist, Ori-Ann Dryden. Thank you to the Bronx Times for sharing…

February 9 @ 10:31 am

2023: A New Year

There is no greater purpose in life than serving humanity, which has been at the core of my career and at the center of the mission of The Institutes of Applied Human Dynamics (IAHD).  I am grateful to have the opportunity to add to the rich history and deep impact…

February 9 @ 10:31 am

Accreditation received for 3rd year

Tarrytown, NY – IAHD received Quality Assurance Accreditation from the Council of Quality and Leadership (CQL) for a third year. This internationally recognized designation affirms IAHD’s ongoing quest to be aligned with and practice the highest standards in human services. In the last 65 years, IAHD has helped thousands of families…

February 9 @ 10:31 am

IAHD Strategic Plan

Celebrating 65 years of successes and with the mindset of strengthening and continued growth, The Institutes of Applied Human Dynamics (IAHD) has invested in a strategic plan. Strategic planning is the ongoing organizational process of using available knowledge to document an organization’s intended direction. This process is used to prioritize…

February 9 @ 10:31 am

5 Vaccine Myths Explained

Myth #1: We can’t trust COVID-19 vaccines because they were rushed The first vaccines for COVID-19 do involve new technology, and they were developed in record time. But it’s not because there were shortcuts in the process. The new technology at the center of Pfizer’s and Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccines is…

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February 9 @ 10:31 am

The Institutes of Applied Human Dynamics (IAHD) Receives CQL Accreditation and Appoints New Leadership Roles

Accreditation received for 2nd consecutive year despite pandemic challenges Tarrytown, NY, January 11, 2021 – IAHD received Quality Assurance Accreditation from the Council of Quality and Leadership (CQL) for a second consecutive year despite the challenging hardships brought on by the Coronavirus Pandemic of 2020. This internationally recognized designation affirms…

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February 9 @ 10:31 am

The Institutes of Applied Human Dynamics (IAHD) appoints new Chairperson and welcomes newest Board members

Current Board Chairperson retires after 29 years of leadership Tarrytown, NY, December 18, 2020 – IAHD appoints Matthew Kiamie as Chairperson of the Board of Directors effective, November 1, 2020.  Mr. Kiamie succeeds Mary K. St. Mark in her role of Chairperson of IAHD’s Board, as she steps down from…

The Time is Now
February 9 @ 10:31 am

The Time is NOW

Thank you to Senator David Carlucci and the legislators working to protect vulnerable individuals in the Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Community. Funding cuts are devastating many people supported as well as the essential workers they rely on. Further cuts will cause even further damage. “The true measure of any society…

welcome back sign
February 9 @ 10:31 am

IAHD Day Habilitation Reopening Plans – Phase 1

Beginning Monday, September 14, 2020, IAHD will begin to re-open its Day Habilitation programs in the first phase of its plan. Click the links below for more information: Tarrytown Day-Hab Facility (English)Tarrytown Day-Hab Facility (Espanol) Bainbridge Day-Hab Facility (English)Bainbridge Day-Hab Facility (Espanol)

Take Action Roadsign - NY State logo
February 9 @ 10:31 am


Oppose the 20% Withhold of I/DD Funding THE ISSUE: The NYS Division of Budget (DOB) has directed state agencies to withhold 20% of funding to providers or certain Medicaid Programs. THE ADVOCACY: Please contact the Governor by telephone to let him know you oppose the withholds because of the devastating…
